We help companies understand the competitive positioning of their business units vs. current and future competitors, identifying critical success factors on which to (re)define the value proposition. We then help them define their strategic positioning, directing choices to improve competitive advantage.


  • To provide the company with a precise quali-quantitative analysis of the competitive environment in which its business units are embedded.
  • To define the size, conformation and attractiveness of the market manned.
  • To define the competitive positioning.
  • To define strategic positioning.
  • To identify the afferent market trends of an adjacent industry and the critical success factors that may generate a favorable or dominant strategic (re)positioning.

Strategic positioning is analyzed by considering: (1) quantitative estimates around the size of the market garri- soned in order of the demand and supply that compose it; (2) qualita- tive estimates in order of the attrac- tiveness of the market according to a static model and a dynamic model; (3) the value curves of the analyzed com- petitors and the balance sheet data of the observed sample to determine the short-term (EBITDA% / Relative Market Share) and long-term (Relative CAGR / EBITDA %) positioning; (4) the industry trends affecting its evolution and the most strategic critical success factors with respect to the identified trends.

min. 2 months

Days inside the company:
min. 2/month

N. of people SI involved:
min. 5

We help companies capture the emerging needs of consumers by researching and analyzing the trends that will affect their industry. We then support them, using the identified trends, to select new ideas to redefine the value proposition.


  • To be able to capture not only new technological and socio-cultural trends, but also the needs from new markets driven by innovation.
  • To be aware of industry trends in order to make correct choices while defining and choosing innovative ideas and projects.
  • To offer strategic insights useful in strategically redefining one’s value proposition.

The research process is carried out in a series of successive steps involving: (1) the definition of the research field; (2) a structured analysis of the current macro-context of reference, supported by constant monitoring of a proprietary database that collects primary and sec- ondary sources; (3) the in-depth study of the chosen topics attraction through interviews with sector experts and eth- nographic observation processes; (4) the identification of drivers of change made explicit through the “Trendverse” tool and case studies; (5) identification of the implications of trends on critical business factors to guide the eventu- al redefinition of the value proposition.

min. 1 month

Days inside the company:
min. 2/month

N. of people SI involved:

We help companies understand their industry by researching and analyzing the trends that will affect it and, from these, producing strategic scenarios to inspire and build their future.


  • To offer an in-depth overall picture around one or more particular issues (e.g., product, market, concept), investigating the present with an analytical perspective aimed at the future.
  • To identify the main trends that will invest a sector and offer the company an overall qualitative picture of the evolution of its sector in a 5-10 year scenario, developing immersive and narrative scenarios as well as “artifacts of the future.”
  • To offer strategic insights useful for the strategic redefinition of one’s business model and value proposition.

The scenarization processes start from the collection, analysis and systemati- zation (by means of proprietary stra- tegic frameworks – Trendverse and Archipelago) of the following data: (1) review data, informations of a heteroge- neous nature already available, but not yet catalogued; (2) deep data, data col- lected through interviews with experts and opinion leaders belonging to the ac- ademic and non-academic network (lis- tening); (3) small data, signals reveal- ing nascent trends and latent needs of society collected through direct obser- vation in the field (ethnography). The data become the input for the develop- ment of immersive scenarios, the form of which may vary according to the re- sults and purposes of the enterprise.

min. 3 months

Days inside the company:
min. 4/month

N. of people SI involved: